Who I am in Christ

One of the greatest lies of the enemy is that once you are saved or delivered, you won't know who you are anymore.

You won't know what to do with yourself if you don't have the problems that you have always had.

It makes you wonder...”Who am I in Christ?”

This bible study will help you answer that question and stuff a sock in the mouth of the enemy!



When someone asks you who you are what is your response? “I am _______'s wife/husband, _________’s daughter/son, mom/dad to ___ kids, a bookkeeper, a taxi driver, a cook, a maid, a teacher, etc.”- You fill in the blanks! Your first response should be “I am a redeemed child of God, saved by the blood of Jesus and made righteous before my DADDY by it.” On earth you are all of the above, but earth is not forever. Your true identity is to be someone useful to God…His creation, His daughter/son, His handiwork. You must always look to eternity to see what you need to be here on earth. The following scriptures should help you understand who you are in God's eyes. You must learn to apply those things to your life and then help others to apply them.

Suggestions for use: Memorize the scriptures in bold. Make notes on the assignments that help you apply each scripture to your life. Make notes when you help someone else learn what you have learned.

The word of God is the perfect mirror to look at ourselves in. At the bottom of each lesson is an underlined statement that sums up each point. If you can't remember anything else, remember these points.


Who I am in Christ - Lesson 1

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


God has so much agape (unconditional) love for this world (which includes you!) that He gave His only Son as a sacrifice for the ultimate payment of penalty for breaking the law. Whoever (which also includes you) believes [have faith in a person, to entrust one's spiritual well-being to Christ, commit to trust, put in trust with] in Jesus will not perish (eternal death), but have eternal life. What a fabulous promise that if you put your trust in Jesus to save your life, He will do it. The enemy wants us to doubt the Word and in doubting, there is no faith. When we question the Word, we question God's heart and motives. Don't doubt, just have faith to believe in His promises.


Application: Here's a thought...what if this verse isn't saying that anyone in the world can be saved if he just believes [accepts as true, judge or regard, be confident about something]? What if it is saying that those who fully put their faith/trust in Jesus and, in so doing change their lives because of following after Jesus, are guaranteed everlasting life. For so long we have just accepted that this verse means all you have to do is believe that Jesus is the Son of God and you are saved. James 2:17-20 expounds on the fact that the devils knew he was the Son of God, but they can't be saved. The chapter around this verse is talking about trusting in Jesus completely (not just accepting as truth that He is the Son of God). There is a huge difference in accepting something as true and putting your complete trust in it! Trust means to be confident about something, allow without fear, have confidence or faith in, a certainty based on past experience, complete confidence in a person or plan. Confidence is not liable to error in judgment or action. Faith is loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person, complete confidence in a person or plan, a strong belief in a supernatural power that controls human destiny. Faith & trust are having complete confidence in THE PERSON of JESUS.


I HAVE: eternal life because I am committed to Christ!


Assignment:  What do you need to change in your way of thinking about "trusting in Jesus"?  What do you need to commit to Him totally?



Who I am in Christ - Lesson 2

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.


This means that you are becoming new each day that you give yourself to Christ to change. The old things have passed away…don’t think about them, don’t dwell on the bad, just give it to God and let Him renew your mind with His word. The old things are your personal sins that you commit, but also that sinful spiritual kingdom that tries to work through you. Both have passed and you should not fellowship with them. You should only fellowship with the new things that are of God!


Application: When past failures come up to “haunt” you, recognize them as a temptation from Yucky Pucks and tell them to leave. Also, when you see things that need to change and it takes both you and your spouse to change at the same time, remember to go slow since all things are becoming new. Your spouse may not be totally ready yet, but God is working on him/her and you need to let go and let God.


I AM: a new creature!


Assignment: What do you need to do to live as a new creature?  What changes is God asking you to make in your life today?



Who I am in Christ - Lesson 3

1 Thessalonians 5:5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.


This chapter is talking about the second coming of the Lord Jesus and how that day will come as a thief in the night (suddenly). However, Paul is saying that since we are “children of light and day” we will know the season when Jesus comes. "Children of light and day" means that we are followers of Jesus, trusting in him completely and totally. Darkness and night are where the evil deeds are done and those are the lost souls in this world.


Application: Continue to follow after Jesus in every area of your life so that the Day of the Lord will not take you by surprise, but you will know and see it coming.


I AM: a child of the light and day.


Assignment:  Are there areas in your life that you are not a "child of light and day"?  Are there areas that you don't want anyone else to know about, that you hide?  Those are areas that will make it difficult to see the coming of the Lord.  Make changes now to get rid of those areas.


Who I am in Christ - Lesson 4

1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.


The “them” in this verse refers back to 1 John 4:3 which is talking about evil spirits. You have overcome the evil spirits because you are of God. God is greater than all the evil spirits put together!


Application: When the evil spirits come to speak evil into your life, you need to rebuke them with the Name of Jesus and remember that you have already overcome them because you are of God. Don't fall to their devices when you don't have to! You are in Christ and He has overcome them already. This is your position and you just have to get in agreement with it! Stop believing the lies and believe you are an over-comer.


I AM: an over-comer because I am of God


Assignment:  What voices do you listen to that are not from God?  What continues to play in your head that is not of God?  Those are attacks of the enemy - REBUKE THEM!

Who I am in Christ - Lesson 5

Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works lest any man should boast.


Grace, not works, saves you. Faith, but not faith that is from you, faith as a gift of God. God doesn't want any man to boast about how he saved himself – mainly because it is not possible, and that is what Lucifer did. God wants us to accept His gift of grace by His faith. Father wants us to just receive by faith that we are sons. We are royalty in Jesus, so start walking that way.


Application: None of your works are what get you to heaven. Only your faith in Jesus and His word. When Satan comes and lies to you that you have to do something to be saved, that you're not saved because you didn't do this or that, tell him to go away and get a life! However, you do have to produce fruit to “prove” that you are His. Make sure that you are obeying His Word and staying in fellowship so that the devil will not have any ground to stand on when he accuses you.


I AM: saved by grace through faith!


Assignment:  When people look at your life do they see fruit that proves you have faith in God and are saved?  Have you changed since you became God's child?  For the better or for the worse?  If people from your teenage years look at you and say, "Wow, you are totally different!  What a wonderful change in you.", then you are producing fruit.  If they say, "I don't see any change in you at all.", you might want to check your life for dark places that still show to the world.

Who I am in Christ - Lesson 6

John 15:15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.


WOW what a cool thing to be called a friend of Jesus! He wants us to be so close to Him that we can call Him our friend. Most Christians don't understand that concept today though. Most friendships today are really just acquaintances. True friendships are described in the Bible as ones in which one person would die for the other. Jonathan and David are examples. Jonathan would have died for David and risk his life many times to save David's. David was still his friend after he died in that he took care of Jonathan's son for the rest of his life. That's true love. That is what Jesus does for us. He laid down his life for us and also tells us all that His Father has made known to Him. He wants us to reciprocate!


Application: Do you want to be a friend of Jesus? You should want to be so intimate with Him that people see Him when they see you. You should want everyone to know when they look at you that you are a friend of God. Also, if we are seated together in heavenly places “in” Christ, then we have all authority and power as He has. Matthew 28:18-20 says all power has been given to Him and we are in Him and have a commission to obey. 2 Peter 1:3-8 says we have been given everything that pertains to life and Godliness through the knowledge of Him. He has called us to glory and virtue and it's by these precious promises we are able to be partakers of His divine nature. He goes on to tell us to add to this with all diligence, faith, virtue, knowledge and so on. Say this, “Father, teach me to be a true friend of You and Your Son. Teach me to use the information you have made known to me to help further your kingdom, in Jesus Name.”


I AM: A friend of God


Assignment: Spend time each day getting to know Jesus intimately.  How did you get to know your best friend or your spouse? - that's how you get to know Jesus - spending lots of time with Him!

Who I am in Christ - Lesson 7

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.


There is an IF in this statement. If you walk after your flesh in impatience, anger, frustration, you will have condemnation, because you're not walking after the Spirit. However, IF you walk after the Spirit in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control there is no condemnation because there is nothing being done wrong. You need to remember these and judge every thought and deed by them.


Application: When the feeling of guilt comes, to discern if it is condemnation or conviction you should analyze the thought with the word of God (2 Corinthians 10:5). Line it up with the fruit of the Spirit and the “whatsoever” scripture (Philippians 4:8). If the “action/thought” lines up with the word of God and you were following the Spirit, it is condemnation from Satan and should be rejected and removed. If the “action/thought” is against the word of God, it is conviction from the Holy Spirit and you should repent of the action/thought and correct yourself.


I HAVE: no condemnation!


Assignment:  Has God showed you anything today that you need to repent of?  Is the Devil trying to get you to turn away from God by making you feel guilty and condemned?  Discern which it is and take care of it.

Who I am in Christ - Lesson 8

2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him


Jesus never sinned, but he took all of your sins to the cross to make you righteous before Father God. Righteousness is right standing with God, being in fellowship with no separation, having nothing between you and Him. You need to recognize and repent of sins as they come. Sin for you may not be what it is for others, because of your God given personality. Sin for some is eating that 4th piece of pie, yelling at the children, the groans when they have to do something for someone (“Ugh”, “ohhhhh”, “mmmm”), talking down to the children instead of helping them, not making dinner/lunch when they know they have the food to make it, etc. Sin is anything that goes against what God has shown you in His word. If He has showed you truth and you go against it, it is sin.


Application: Starting today you need to make sure that all your actions and attitudes line up with what Jesus would do. If He were in your shoes (which His Spirit is!), would He do what you just did or are about to do? Would He sigh, would He be frustrated, would He complain, would He be loud or soft, would He….? If He would, go ahead! If He would NOT, stop and change your behavior. He took your sin, so you don’t have to live for sin anymore. You don’t have to do what Jesus would NOT do! You are being made the righteousness of God by turning all of your life to Jesus and allowing Him to be in control (even in the little silly stuff). Also, learn to hear Jesus voice. He is the Good Shepherd and will not lead you astray. Learn to do the things that His voice is telling you. Remember thoughts come from three places: God, evil kingdom, or yourself. Learn to line every thought up with the Word of God.


I AM: the righteousness of God in Jesus


Assignment:  What actions or attitudes do you need to change to line up with the word of God today?

Who I am in Christ - Lesson 9

1 Corinthians 12:27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.


Each person that is a Christian is a part of the body of Christ. Each person is a different part of the body of Christ. If everyone was an eye, who would hear. If everyone was a foot, who would be the hands. God needs all of us to fulfill the part that He has given us to be. You need to discover what part you are and stick to being that part and not try to be a part that you are not.


Application: To know your part in the body of Christ, you must be willing to let God show you where you belong in His body. Say this, “Father, please show me the place that You want me to fill. Show me the member You want me to be, so I don't try to be something I'm not. Show me so I don't take someone’s place. Help me to find my perfect place in serving you Father, in Jesus Name.”


I AM: a member of the body of Christ.


Assignment:  What is God showing you about your part in the body of Christ?  Are you trying to be an ear when you are really feet?   Follow His lead, not what others want you to do.

Who I am in Christ - Lesson 10

Ephesians 2:6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.


A born again believer has been raised from the death of his/her sins and is joined with Jesus in His seat in heaven. We are aliens here on earth waiting for our country to come. You need to live like you're in heavenly places!


Application: When the enemy comes at you with “low” thoughts, when he badgers you with depression, self-pity, ugly thoughts, you need to remind yourself that you are sitting in heavenly places in (not with, not on, but IN) Christ Jesus. That means that you are hidden in Him. He is your strong tower. He is your defender, your protector, your provider. Think about a house with strong brick walls. How do you feel when you are in that house? Protected from the elements? Protected from people harming you? That is being IN Christ Jesus – He is stronger than any brick wall there is. Tell that enemy to take a hike and crawl back into your protection and peace.


I AM: raised with Jesus.


Assignment: What areas of your life do you need protection in right now?  Go back to Jesus and trust in Him.

Who I am in Christ - Lesson 11

John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.


If you abide in Jesus, you will bring forth fruit. That fruit will be the fruit of the Spirit and is proof that you are truly His child. Without Jesus there is nothing good. The unsaved may look good to the world, but there is rottenness inside that eats away until death. You need to check your fruit and make sure that it is of Jesus and there is much of it. If not, it’s time to re-evaluate your relationship with Him.


Application: Make sure that the fruit that you're producing is the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control). Love should be toward everyone, not just family. Joy should be in every situation, not just happy ones. Peace should be all the time, not be frazzled. You should have patience with the your family as well as everyone you come into contact with. You should be kind to everyone, not just those that make you happy. You should show goodness to all those you come into contact with. You should be faithful in all things to Jesus so that the world would know it. You should be gentle (meek) with all people so as to show Jesus to them. You should have self-control at all times. Do you? Are you continuing to produce new, good fruit? Fruit should also be bringing people to Jesus. Have you moved out in that area yet? Our fruit is eternal, not earthly. The earthly fruit will eventually rot and be gone but the fruit of the spirit is of everlasting value. This fruit is life and will give life and an abundance of it. The flesh will also bring a crop up, but not of life. Proverbs 18:21 – which one are you going to eat – life or death?


I AM: a branch

I CAN: bring forth much fruit (if I stay in Him)


Assignment:  What areas of the fruit of the Spirit do you need to work on?  What about telling others about Jesus or helping someone study the Bible?  What fruit do you see in your life that is not eternal?  What about eternal fruit?

Who I am in Christ - Lesson 12

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


Christians should not conform to this world – should not look like it, act like it, talk like it. Christians should be in the world but not part of the world. Therefore, you should be changed (daily) from what this world looks like to the way God looks like. And that only comes by the renewing of your mind by the washing of the water of the word (reading the Bible daily). If you will renew your mind, you will be able to prove (discern, accept, test, examine, allow, try) the will of God. The only way to know the will of God is by His Word. No signs in the sky! So if you take this the other direction, if you don’t read daily and renew your mind, you will NOT be able to discern the will of God. The Word will help you hear God, because it will help you to discern the Yucky Pucks that try to override the voice of God in your spirit.


Application: Read and study daily. Don’t just do it because you have to, do it because you want to! Do it because you want a deeper relationship with God and you can’t get that until you know His Word and His character in your heart as well as your mind. Then when a choice is set before you, discern it. Line it up with the Word to know God’s perfect will for your life. Test everything!


I CAN BE: transformed by the Word of God

I CAN: know the perfect will of God by His Word


Assignment: What changes in your schedule do you need to make to spend more time with God?  Have you read your Bible today?  What kind of study have you done lately?

Who I am in Christ - Lesson 13

1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.


A chosen generation to show who Jesus is to the dark world; a royal priesthood to show how holy Jesus and Father God are and how his people are to live/worship Him; a holy nation to show that the entire body of Christ is one, serving one Lord; a peculiar people (peculiar means belonging to a specific person) to prove that we are owned by Father God and no one else can have control over us. All of these 4 things should show the world that Jesus is the light in the darkness. That they can come out of the darkness and follow Him and be new like we are.


Application: I think the most important thing to remember is that you are a peculiar person – you belong to Father God, not yourself. If you can remember that you are His employee/slave/servant, then you will act like a faithful employee, not like the world acts. Most people want to please those in authority over them. So, remember that Father God is in authority over you and try to please Him the best that you can. Stop acting like He is not here and start praising Him so that the world can see His marvelous light.


I AM: a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a part of a holy nation, a peculiar person.


Assignment:  What areas of your life are you not acting like a peculiar person?  Where have you traded your royal priesthood for an earthly hood?

Who I am in Christ - Lesson 14

Galatians 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.


What a great scripture! You are the child of God because of your faith in Christ Jesus.


Application: “Thank You Father for allowing me to become your child by my faith in Jesus. Help me to remember that I belong to You, God, not myself and act that way.”


I AM: a child of God!


Assignment:  Are you acting like a child of the King?  Are you acting like a spoiled brat or a well behaved child?

Who I am in Christ - Lesson 15

Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:


This verse says that you have peace with God if you are justified by faith. Faith is believing in something you can not see, can not feel, can not even understand totally. Justified here means to render (show or regard as) just or innocent. By faith in Jesus you are regarded by God as innocent of the sins you have committed. Peace is being at rest with God – not at war with Him.


Application: Live in that peace, don’t walk away from it to live at war with Him. Keep believing (having faith) that through Jesus you are justified to God. When Satan’s kingdom comes to lie to you, tell them you have faith therefore you are justified and have peace with God. The enemies goal is to keep us from knowing our position in Christ. If you don't know who you are in Christ, then you cant walk in that!


I HAVE: peace with God through Jesus

I AM: justified by faith


Assignment:  Are you at peace with God?  Are you at peace with your family?  In your job?  At church?  What about with friends and enemies?